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International Karate

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International Karate Empty International Karate

Post by msistarted Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:31 am

International Karate is a karate fighting game created and published by System 3 for various home computers. Of these versions the 1986 releases for Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit computers, created by Archer MacLean with music by Rob Hubbard, stand out for their good playability and overall high production values. Although conceptually identical, the ZX Spectrum version, created by a different team and released some months earlier in November 1985,[1] is inferior.[2]

Epyx licensed the game and published C64 and Atari 8-bit versions in the US as World Karate Championship in April 1986.[3] Except for a new loading screen and necessary tuning for the American NTSC television system, the US releases were unchanged.

International Karate + a successor which expanded the gameplay through the introduction of an additional - although not player controllable - karateka, was released in 1987.

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